updated 2-1-2015 ^ The color balance is ONLY charged when the color is changed. There are times that there may be 2 color balance on the same days flights due to large altitude differences. For example if a project is flown at 2000 feet AGL and at 15000 feet AGL the color balance will be different. * B&W Pan is ONLY recommended for B&W Diapositives from Color Film. The primary area of concern is the fiducials which on many cameras provide a light color that is not easily seen by the orthochromatic films. Many times a "Pan" diapositive is not needed. The above price list is for use from your negatives. Do not use this price list for coverage that was obtained as speculation photography. If you desire us to store your film please provide information regarding your project for our database to be able to call your film up in the future. **Roll Contacts: This is strongly suggest with Helicopter projects and "working sets". The prints are not burned and dodged. The per frame fee includes ALL frames on the roll. *** After extensive testing we have found that a true film material is providing the best results to create color diapositives from color and infrared negative films. As a result we have increased the cost of this item to take some of the material cost increase. We still are providing a cost lower then others while using the best material - This price will start in mid February or the beginning of March 2008. To see more on this improvement CLICK HERE. |