Large Format & Small Format Photography Work. You may ask………. “Does Aerial Photo Lab only produce enlargements and photographic products for Aerial Photographic clients?” In one word the answer is no. We have the ability and staff to provide a wide variety of photographic products. Have you ever wondered how those picture on the menu board at your favorite fast food restaurant are made? Or those large images that are lit from behind that are on the walls of several vacation spots including Daytona USA? Or maybe those “poster sized” enlargements. These are created at our lab or a lab like ours. It is as simple as having the correct material and equipment. We are not limited to doing your aerial photography work. If you have negatives that you would like custom images from let us know. It truly does not matter if it is from 110, 35mm, 220, 2.25”, 4x5, 5x7, 8x10 or 9x9. We have the ability to work with the sizes you have. That is the beauty of large format enlargers and wide processors. I have often wondered why photographers invest the time and money to shoot large format negatives only to have a low resolution digital enlargements made. It seems to somewhat void the purpose of using a large negative. As an example if you have a 5x7 color negative that you wish to have a 50"x70" enlargement made it would be a simple 10X enlargement. If you have that product made digitally you will produce a tiff file that is 945 Megs to get a reasonable result at final scale. With many digital labs they create an output at 150 DPI rather then 300 for that size file which is only a 237 Meg file and is far too small to provide you the quality that you have invested your money in the large format negative. With an 8x10 negative, you would produce the enlargement at approximately 7X and you would still need to produce a 945 Meg file to make a reasonable print. What many do not know is that your film would hold approximately 4.8 Gigs of information. Feel free to give us a call, fax or send an e-mail with your request and we will let you know what your request will cost and get your wishes for your photographic products a reality.
Michael Kevin Johnson
Being in Daytona there just had to be at least one race car on our site.